Wednesday, January 18, 2006

No horizon too far... or too wide

Erecting walls, we created barriers. Emotional ones. Our lives become distanced from people we should be spending some love on. Because we find too many convenient excuses or reasons for the lives we lead which are so "busy".

How I wish I were closer to my neices. My nephews. My dad. My brother. My sister. But our lives have become complicated because along with the miles between us, are our jobs... our busy schedules. Our busy family lives.

My sister works her butt off, and if she has some spare time, it's for her daughters and grandbabies. Not to mention that she lives 176 miles away from me.

My brother only lives a few miles. But his job is a mailcarrier... the kids are grown... but his health is not up to par... it's prostrate problems. His daughter, my neice... I love her so much! Like a daughter of my own. At college- Warrensburg. Classes, work... Joe, my nephew... allergic to my cats. Busy with his own schedule of events. We always tell each other we will call, we will get together.

Other neices and nephews. Busy lives. School, jobs, marriage or plans to.

Love. Don't let it slip away.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

More Than Before

Energy waves meet a well-drawn arc of light bouncing off light refractions interacting with higher levels of thinking and more highly-developed attitudes, laced and bound to forms of optimism, cheerfulness and quantum-physics... In the resulting neurological kick-start, realms of deep art in the mathematical billiards game begin to balloon out into tracers against lightbeams of nanotash. Pandemonium is the natural order of things, then, and drift against all known methods of orbitting calculations of the mind. We can see that the 4 hemispheres of the brain, when dissected and linked to other parts of the brain not usually reached into, for anykind of use, time and spatial spans of galaxial hosting, will render itself useless when its speed picks up to half of light speed.